Trisha Krishnan, one of the top actresses in South Indian film industries, is finally making her debut in Sandalwood. The 29-year-old is ready to enter Kannada films with bang in a trilingual film. The actress has herself confirmed the news to a leading daily. Trisha Krishnan has said that she is acting in a Kannada film titled RUM (Ramba Urvashi Menake).
The film will be simultaneously shot in Kannada, Tamil and Telugu. RUM is produced by MS Raju, one of the leading names in Telugu film industry. Trisha Krishnan claims that she has been getting many big offers from Sandalwood but she could not sign for one or the other reasons. Finally, she is making her debut in RUM, which is a female-oriented project.
Trisha Krishnan ends on the note that it is new territory and excited about the prospect. However, other details about the project are yet to be revealed.
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