Written By Unknown on Friday, 9 November 2012 | 06:45
Railway is the buzzword among passengers across India whenever think about a long journey .I have seen many times that people being panic about ticket related worries at Railway stations. Someone even rent a taxi to Railway station to enquire trains running between two stations! Never do it again. Do you know, in this Mobiworld , you can even spot a Running-Train location on your mobile phone? I will never say there is an app for that! There are lot of mobile apps and service for your convenience. All services are just an SMS or click away!
Indian Railway SMS services
PNR Status: SMS PNR to 5676747
Ticket Availability: Sms TRNAV to 54959
Trains Between Two Stations Sms TRNBT to 54959
Train Schedule (send the first few characters of the train name) Sms TRNSH to 54959
Train Schedule (by Train No.) Sms TRNSH to 54959
Train arrival and departure enquiry sms AD < Train Number > < Station STD code> to 139
Mobile Apps
RailYatra: This application is developed by Spice Digital. You can enquire about your train journey related information through your Mobile phone by downloading this user friendly application free of cost. Download Link
NTES Mobile App: National Train Enquiry System (NTES) / TrainEnquiry travel app to to live status information of more than 8000 trains across the country in real time – whether you are traveling, receiving, or seeing off family and friends! The NTES app is 100% free and has easy compatibility with most of the modern internet-enabled smartphones Using any installed mobile web browser, type in and go to the following internet address – http://www.trainenquiry.com If your browser / device is recognized as compatible, you will be redirected to the NTES / TrainEnquiry.com
PayMate’s app : You can Search.Book.Pay for Indian Railway tickets on PayMate’s mobile payments application. PayMate is free and you can download from here. It works on most JAVA enabled phones with GPRS activated.
ngpay : IRCTC has tied up with ngpay to let you buy Indian Railways tickets from your mobile phone. Sms ngpay to 56767 or go to www.ngpay.com from your mobile to download this app.
Mobile Ticketing
Steps for booking Railway Reserved Ticket on IRCTC website from a browser enabled mobile Phone .
Login to URL https://www.irctc.co.in/mobile with your existing IRCTC user id and password.
Click on Book Ticket and fill in details for plan my travel.
Select the train and continue the booking.
Use existing passenger list or add passengers.
Confirm booking details and pay through Credit/debit card to get successful booking.
You must carry and SMS sent by IRCTC along with any one of the nine prescribed ID proofs in original and the indication of the passenger(s)' name(s) in the Reservation Chart will authorize the passenger to travel .
This list is not completed . Need your help to add more app and services. Waiting for your valuable comments.
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